Tellico Village PIckleball Club
Officers and Directors
The Director of Outreach acts as a focal point for TVPBC’s efforts to raise funds and provide support to the surrounding community, maintains existing sponsors and searches for new sponsors that fit the TVPBC culture, works with local charities that fit the TVPBC membership to provide an outlet for interested members to participate, combines sponsorship with a charitable cause in order to fund local charities, as well as allowing TVPBC to support the growth of Pickleball (providing enhanced facilities and training) in the Village and surrounding communities.
The Director of Information Technology oversees Pickleball Den’s Club software implementation and use, executes the addition, deletion, and changes in the software for TVPBC members,maintains contact with Pickleball Den’s corporate office, answers questions from potential club members and active club members regarding the Club’s software, updates level ratings in software, and assists in maintaining the club membership roster.
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