Pickleball Equipment
Junior Program
For Ages 5 & Up
http://Paddletek.com — Buy direct from our local Paddletek rep, Paul Slay, who has a large selection of paddles available. Contact Paul at paulslay@gmail.com or 865-599-2132. Paul is also IPTPA certified for clinics and lessons. Ask for $5 off paddles for TVPBC members.
http://head.com — Contact Jeff Dore, representative for Head paddles here in Tellico Village, at 865-603-4858 to order or request a demo paddle. 10% discount for TVPBC members. Free shipping on all orders.
http://Selkirk.com — Selkirk is a very popular brand and has been a long-time supporter of the TVPBC. The company is known for its wide range of paddle sizes and styles and for introducing the latest advancements in paddle technology.
http://thirdshotsports.com — Third Shot Sports is a commercial pickleball training provider that will set up clinics, provide one-on-one training, etc. for any interested group or organization.
http://pickleballcentral.com — Pickleball Central is a comprehensive online vendor of pickleball paddles, balls, clothing, nets, etc. It offers a variety of brands of all items and offers a 5% discount to members of the Tellico Village Pickleball Club (Discount Code: CRTellico).
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